Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Why I yearn for a parliamentary system.

No doubt by now most people have heard about the gutsy and dare I say epic prank call made to Governor Walker of Wisconsin by a left wing internet personality posing as one of the conservative billionare Koch brothers.  For those who haven't, it's a must hear, and quite frankly just a tad disturbing.
That's the full phone call, in it the Governor says a large number of remarkably unsavory things, including discussions about considerations he made to infiltrate the protests to cause trouble.

Now the Wisconsin Democrats are filing ethics complaints concerning campaign finance violations in connection with the phone call.  They're also planning a recall attempt later in the course of the Governor's term, as well as recall attempts on many of the Republican Legistalors.  But what I yearn for is the simplicity of the Parliamentary style, where a simple vote of confidence can determine whether the populace thinks that things are on the right track or, if they're not, immediately remove the leader of the government. 

I also think the Presidential style is far inferior to the Parliamentary style as a whole.  Of the multitude of countries that have declared themselves free in the last two centuries, and subsequently established Presidential democracies, only four including the United States have lasted more than 30 years.  The Presidential system is ripe for corruption at the uppermost levels of government.  Broad powers in the hands of a single figure, who gives their word that they will step down at the end of their term or seek reelection, sounds remarkably like a dictatorship to outsiders when you consider the fact that in most of these situations nobody has the power to make the leader step down.  Now, I don't doubt that in many cases these fledgling countries are led by great men of vigor, foresight and wisdom, but it's certainly only a matter of time until someone seeks to use the office for personal gain, and you have a Mubarak or a Ghaddafi on your hands.  Dissemination of power is the only sure way to prevent its abuse.

PS.  Yes it's 3:44 AM at the moment, no I don't plan on sleeping tonight, and yes I just drew a connection between Walker and Middle East Dictators.